Amalgama – Armatoste

…like about it is that the containers are not adapted to receive long shaped objects and most of the time you can spot poles coming out of the bin preventing…

Amalgama – Road prints

…cars. 6 locations in the street of Madrid March 2014 Ongoing project, more details about it here: and here: G.A.S. #30 exposed from 16h25 to 17h20 on 12/03/2014…

Amalgama – Boîte à Compositions

…below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. The Boîte à Composition is a simple drawings…


…– May 26 2014 First room: Boîte à Compositions: Modulo L: Nebulosas: Road Prints: Patio: Armatoste: Second room: I presented the outcome of 7 walks…

Promenade Nº7 Most of the time they advertise the services for locksmiths, plumbers, construction workers, issuing papers… Although, in this tunnel, I couldn’t find any uncovered ad, so I have no…

Promenade Nº4

…across something which is also very common here: to throw little cards with commercial information printed on both sides directly on the floor instead of distributing them one by one…

Promenade Nº1

…yet. I just had in mind to walk in one direction with no goal and come back. With such a freedom of space and time, I ended up spontaneously creating…

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…Panoramic animation (pass your mouse over the image to move it). This project was made possible thanks to Zestafoni Ferroalloy Plant, Tamara Bokuchava (, Nini Palavandishvili ( and George Okruashvili….