6 hoops

SET Espai d’Art Solo show Anomalías Valencia, Spain September 15th – November 11th 2017 This project started with a map of Valencia. I looked for itineraries with the most circular…


SET Espai d’Art Plaza Miracle del mocadoret 4, Valencia, Spain September 15th – November 11th 2017 www.setespaidart.com I’m always looking for new systems to make the city part of my…

Drawings in the bus

SET Espai d’Art Solo show Anomalías Valencia, Spain September 15th – November 11th 2017 Running away from the comfort and the security of the studio, I drew pictures while sitting…

Painted Rocks

SET Espai d’Art Solo show Anomalías Valencia, Spain September 15th – November 11th 2017 I looked for rocks in the streets around the gallery. I found 14. For each one,…

La Ville et le Mouvement

and Eltono www.winterlong-galerie.com Détours Six 20 minute random itineraries starting from the exhibition space door. At each intersection, a die is used to determine where to go. The result is…

Modo n.º21

Generative and participative mural Executed with 175 students from the Violettes Elementary School in Chenôve, Dijon, France June 2017 Project produced by Zutique Production and directed by Pierre-Loup Vasseur….

Modo n.º20

Generative and participative mural Executed with 175 students from the Violettes Elementary School in Chenôve, Dijon, France June 2017 Project produced by Zutique Production and directed by Pierre-Loup Vasseur….


Box edited by Underdogs. 5 colored layers that can be turned and reordered to create endless combination possibilities. Edition of 14, signed and numbered; Mate vinyl coated five-layer cut-out cardboard…