La Ville et le Mouvement

…and Eltono Détours Six 20 minute random itineraries starting from the exhibition space door. At each intersection, a die is used to determine where to go. The result is…

Modo n.º21

Generative and participative mural Executed with 175 students from the Violettes Elementary School in Chenôve, Dijon, France June 2017 Project produced by Zutique Production and directed by Pierre-Loup Vasseur….

Modo n.º20

Generative and participative mural Executed with 175 students from the Violettes Elementary School in Chenôve, Dijon, France June 2017 Project produced by Zutique Production and directed by Pierre-Loup Vasseur….


…of 14, signed and numbered; Mate vinyl coated five-layer cut-out cardboard on wooden mount. 42,5 x 33 cm. 650 Euros, shipping included On sale exclusively at Underdogs’ online shop:…


…to be our everyday reality. Working with 12 internationally-based abstract and minimalist artists, Downshifting will transform RedLine’s 6,000-square-foot exhibition hall into a sanctuary of abstract works with programming that explores…

Modo n.º19

…to be our everyday reality. Working with 12 internationally-based abstract and minimalist artists, Downshifting will transform RedLine’s 6,000-square-foot exhibition hall into a sanctuary of abstract works with programming that explores…

Modo n.º18

Generative painting “Cotolino II” Health Center Castro Urdiales, Spain 06/2017…

Crossroad #3

Doppelgaenger Gallery Via Verrone 8, Bari, Italy Double solo show with Italian artists Sten&lex May 4th – September 20th 2017 I showed three different bodies of work: Percorsi Aleatori,…