Last Sunday we landed on this lovely beach beneath the Williamsburg Bridge with a vision to use the garbage, driftwood and rope we found there, to create something between the pilings. If we were able to relocate the beached materials into the strong current, nature would complete the design; make it kinetic.
To keep it simple, we wanted to set this up in one day. We worked within the six hour window of low tide so there could be space to work and our paint could dry. When the water came in, the driftwood and garbage became wheightless allowing us to move it all out to the pilings.
A day later we returned to change our first spontaneous design into something more flexible, that might show natures hand in this. Two days later a knot came loose, and we returned to tie better knots. Research into knot tying was put on our hands to refer to, while we leaned out of Marie’s inflatable boat making repairs. Last we checked, the long line of objects has tied (tangled?) its own knot, and become inflexible again.
Workers on the Williamsburg Bridge thought we were fishing for crabs!
We suspect the force of water will destroy this one pretty quickly and return all the trash to the beach where we found it. Lets see.
(Thanks Victor García for the pictures and Aiwey for the video)