Script 1.0

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Intervenciones Urbanas Iberoamericanas
CCEBA, Centro Cultural de España en Buenos Aires
Sede Balcarce 1150, San Telmo, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Abril 2010

“Intervenciones Urbanas Iberoamericanas se define como muestra de acción usualmente exterior, en un interior, tomando provecho de los muros aún en construcción, del edificio de la nueva sede CCEBA San Telmo.”

El proyecto SCRIPT consiste en pintar murales ejecutando reglas predefinidas por el artista. Así el desarrollo de la obra se hace de forma descontrolada y el resultado final es inesperado. De esa forma, el propio artista puede ser sorprendido y se encuentra en la posición de espectador de su propia obra.

Fue invitado por la embajada española para participar en la muestra donde me dieron una sala vacía para desarrollar mi intervención. A partir de allí, pensé en hacer mi primer experimento SCRIPT o de “pintura descontrolada”. La idea era de pintar líneas que daban la vuelta a la habitación de forma automática. Antes de empezar a pintar, establecí unas normas que iban a dirigir el desarrollo de la pintura:

1- Cada línea empieza en la primera pared a la izquierda y acaba cuando vuelve al ese mismo sitio.
2- La altura donde empieza cada línea depende de la hora a la que se empieza a pintarla (gráfico 1).
3- La inclinación con la que empieza cada línea es definida según los minutos que indica el reloj a la hora de empezar a trazarla (gráfico 2).
4- Cada línea rebota contra el suelo y el techo con un angulo a 90 grados.
5- Al encontrarse con un cambio de plano, la línea sigue con la misma inclinación pero cambia de color.
6- La última cifra de la hora define el color que hay que usar (gráfico 3).

Una vez el script escrito y los gráficos y tablas correspondientes dibujados, solo faltó ejecutarlo.

El experimento duró cinco días y se logró pintar cinco líneas.



Muchas gracias a Magda, Barbara y Martín por la preciada ayuda y a todo el equipo del CCEBA.


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Fundació Joan Miró
Parc de Montjuïc, Barcelona, Spain
February 19th – June 6th 2010

Curated by Martina Millá
Mural painting in collaboration with Nuria Mora


“Murals” represents a meeting point and a creative space for mural painters of our time. The Foundation invited ten artists who come from as far as West Africa, Mexico and the United States as well as Europe to work on the walls of the temporary exhibition area.

Pictures by Nuria, Eltono and Pere.

6 days time-lapse video:

La Cuadrada

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“Kaleidoscopic Vision in the city of Lima”

Centro Cultural de España
Natalio Sanchez 181, Lima, Peru.
From the 5th to the 27th of November, 2009

Lima as a departure point, the only stimulus, direct contact with the city. Without preconceived ideas or previous studies we generated audio-visual projects and installations through real life street experiences, dialogue with it’s people and the appropriation and decontextualization of local resources. The exhibition consists of two well defined parts. First a photographic documentation of everything that caught our attention during the four weeks that we were in Peru. A visual stimuli that served as raw material to produce the pieces. Second, a synthesis of this experience materialized in the form of sculptural installations and a mural in the exhibition space of the prestigious Spanish Cultural Center in Lima.

A big thank you to: Jules Bay and her team; Alvaro García Vilches, David Flores-Hora and all the staff at CCE in Lima.

The complete documentation about the project is published on the official Equipo Plástico website: (in Spanish)















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10th International Artistic Investigation Festival of Valencia
Museu de les Drassanes
Valencia, Spain
June 4th – June 27th 2009

I’ve been invited to participate in the 10th issue of Observatori festival with my interactive installation Coriandoli (I did this installation for the first time at Cripta747 in Turin in 2009:

I also showed two videos of confetti actions I did in the streets of Turin:


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Tampiquito, Monterrey, México
April – May 2009

Project curated by Nrmal and El Narval

Residency project:
From April 1st to May 26th 2009
Exhibition at La galería en el Taller Mecánico:
From May 21st to July 7th, Calle Plutarco Elias Calles #419, Colonia Tampiquito,
San Pedro, NL


I’ve been invited by Nrmal and El Narval to be the first artist to participate in Residencia Tampiquito, an artistic residency in a popular neighbourhood in San Pedro (Monterrey, Nuevo León, México). I lived and painted for two months in Tampiquito and at the end we opened an exhibition in a gallery to show the result of the residency.

I painted around 50 pieces on people’s houses, had a 10 years old best friend and assistant (because of the flu, the schools were closed so Javi my neighbors’ son was helping me to paint almost everyday!), had an incredible crew working with me sorting out photos, videos, press and BBQ’s and felt very sad when I had to go back home!

If by chance you are in Monterrey, download the map of the paintings here, print it and have a walk in the awesome Tampiquito neighbourhood!

One day while I was painting, an amazing cumbia was played from a huge pick-up parked next to me. I met the owner of the car, Raúl el Tamborín, and after offering me a couple of beers, he gave me the tape as a gift! Nrmal made a mixtape out of it so everybody can enjoy it:!

The project had an incredible press coverage, you can check it here:

Thanks to: Lucas (Nrmal) and Luis (El Narval), Lalo, Samuel Catherine, Screw, Huizar, Maf, Malo, Angel, Lara, Telma, Paco, the Briones Morales family, Ofimodul, all my friends that helped and all Tampiquito residents!

Direct links to the picture galleries:

1 – Paintings pictures
2 – Exhibition pictures
3 – Opening pictures
4 – Extra pictures

Pictures of the street paintings:

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Pictures of the exhibition at La Galería en el Taller Mecánico:

For the inside part of the residency, I worked on an installation, some prints and 4 wood replicas of paintings originally done in the street. With the great help of Screw, Huizar and Paco we built up the installation inspired in Tampiquito “do it yourself” architecture with typical elements we found around the neighborhood.
The replicas were made of wood and are life-size reproductions of paintings number 5, 28, 36 and 46.

More pictures on the Nrmal website:
Expo Residencia Tampiquito : Eltono

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Pictures of the opening at La Galería en el Taller Mecánico:

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Extra pictures:

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Y así nació la CUADRIMETRÍA!

Pictures are from Eduardo Hernandez (, Samuel Catherine, Lucas, Luis, Telma and Eltono.


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Cripta 747
Galleria Umberto I, int. 29 Porta Palazzo, Turin, Italy
February 2nd – March 15th 2009

The Cripta747 space is quite big, I was really impressed when I arrived there. I had some ideas for the show but they didn’t fit in that huge place (one room on the ground floor and five in the basement). I had the idea tu use confetti (“coriandoli” in Italian) when I saw a pack in the window of a paper shop in Porta Palazzo promoted with other material for the carnival. I decided to make different experiments putting together graffiti and confetti, illegal aggression and harmless party pieces of paper. For the opening I made two interactive pieces inside the gallery. To organize the space and present the works in a proper way, I made a path with plastic fruit boxes, the gallery is situated on the square where the Porta Palazzo market happens every day and it is the biggest outdoor market in Europe. Tons of material to re-use.

No use to say that during two weeks, the guys from Cripta747 and me had a lot of fun working on this project.

I made six experiments:

(As there is a lot of documentation, it’s better to click on the list below to see video and pictures of each one, then “back to top” to come back here)

1 – Biadesivo Installation
2 – Confetti Graffiti
3 – Train Tunel Mission
4 – Vitrina Action
5 – Kit Wall
6 – The BONUS Video!

And extra pictures…

Biadesivo installation:

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Confetti graffiti:



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Train tunel mission:

This experiment was based on the idea to do something quite innocent (playing with confetti and wind) in a very hostile environment. It was nothing easy and we had to come back five times into the tunnel to achieve the plan. We could have done it more easily anywhere else but the idea was to do it a mission, to do it illegally and observe how all those factors which made it more difficult influenced the result of the experiment.



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Kit wall:

On the wall at the entrance of the basement, I nailed 50 Kit-Coriandoli to be sure that everyone had his own bag of confetti!
In the kit we of course put confetti  and a little card with a simple “Eltono” design made with double face tape and with instructions on its back.

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Vitrina action:

The ground floor of the gallery looks just like a pretty normal gallery with a big window-shop. That’s why I decided to present a “normal looking” work on that room so it could look like the exhibition is just there and nothing else, it was quite funny when people discovered that there were five more rooms downstairs with not so “normal looking” things happening down there!
The pieces shown in the room were made at the same time we did the sign on the window-shop, using the confettis that were falling and glue. I was totally stocked by this random result!



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Bonus video:

This video was hidden in the gallery somewhere at the end of the fruit boxes path.

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Extra pictures:

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I actually found one confetti in my bed in Madrid yesterday morning, two weeks after the opening!!! I can imagine that the same thing is happening to all the people who came to the opening, fantastic!

Pictures are from: Renato, Eugenio Grosso, Alex Tripo, Elisa, Walter and Eltono.

Grazie mille: Renato, Walter, Elisa, Tripoli, Toni, Giulia, Fran, CT, Kurz, Dem, Laure, Pier, B&B…


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Rojo Art Space
Via Tortona, Milan, Italy
January 15th – February 28th 2009

In Pubblico project, the public is the protagonist of the work. The final result of the artworks will depend on the spectator. The experiment plays with the interactivity that exists in the street and wants to study how outer and uncontrolled factors can affect the works installed in the street. This way, the artist reflects on the sacred aspect of art leaving his creations to self-evolve and generating an uncertain final result.



Thanks to Lorenzo, Lucia and Lucía