Generative Painting
Montée des Chazeaux, Lyon, France
September 2019
Painting created as part of Résonance for the Biennale d’Art Contemporain de Lyon, curated by Galerie Slika and devised by the Art et Patrimoine Vieux Lyon association.
A huge thanks to my assistants Céline et Inès.
Generative and collective mural
Executed with 15 studients
Faculty of Fine Arts, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain
December 2018
Project curated by Urvanity Tuenti Urban Art Academy.

Generative mural painting
Facebook AIR Program
Paris, France
November 2018
Project carried out for the FB Artist in Residence in the Facebook new offices in Paris.
Generative mural
Maison des Associations, Clou-Bouchet, Niort, France
October 2018
Project curated by Winterlong Gallery and produced by Ville de Niort.

Generative mural
Maison des internes de l’hôpital, rue de Goise, Niort, France
October 2018
Project curated by Winterlong Gallery and produced by Ville de Niort.

Generative and participative mural
Executed with 6 participants
Detention Center, Mauzac, France
May 2018

Generative and participative mural
Executed with 9 participants from RAW Artworks
Tremont Street, Lynn, Massachusetts, USA
July 2018
Beyond Walls Festival
Le Mur Saint-Étienne
March 2018
Rue du Frère Maras, Saint-Étienne, France

Photo: Benoit Roche