Generative and collective mural painting
Nancy, France
June 2022
Project commissioned by the city of Nancy with the fine Art Museum of Nancy and produced by Le Mur Nancy. With participants from Braconnot elementary school, Saint Michel Jericho Social Center, REMM Children’s Home and the neighbors.
Gymnasium Maurice Jacquet :
Wall under the VEBE (East Suburb Express Way) :
VEBE’s pillars :
Process :
Pictures: Pierre, Greg and Eltono.
“A talk with the city”
Generative and collective mural painting
Conversano, Bari, Italy
May 2022
“A talk with the city” is a public art project funded by the STHAR LAB of the Puglia Region and entrusted by the Municipality of Conversano to the Pigment Workroom cultural association in collaboration with “Museco” museum complex of Conversano, CIME, ZICZIC and CONTEMPO.
The shapes used for this protocol were inspired by architectural details of the city of Conversano. The old part of the city is full of arches, columns, stone stairs and more arches. Before the painting, a generative silk screen printing street workshop was organized to create the compositions to be painted on the wall. More than 30 participants from the high school in front of the wall joined us in the process. During the next two weeks, David and I painted the top part and the people from Pigment Workroom, with the help of the participants, painted the bottom part. As the wall has always been an important graffiti spot in the city, we decided to leave the bottom part blank and open to spontaneous interventions.

Inspiration and process:
Big thanks to everyone who made this project possible: Pigment Workroom, Zic Zic, Museco, my fantastic assistant David and tutti gli studenti del Classico!
Generative and collective mural painting
Moulin-Voltaire grade shcool in Chaumont, France
125 participants
Project carried out with 125 students from Moulin-Voltaire and Jonchery grade schools and Camille Saint-Saëns middle school.
Generative and collective mural painting
DAIS Center, Melun, France
July 2021
6 participants
Project curated by the Centre Georges Pompidou and produced by Studio 13/16.

Generative and collective mural painting
Gisèle Guillemot High School, Mondeville, France
November 2020
52 participants
Project carried out with 52 students as part of the Festival Palma.
“10 kolommen” generative and collective mural painting
Heerlen, Netherlands
August 2020
130 participants
Project produced by the Stichting Street Art Fondation and curated by Approved By Pablo.
The building has 130 apartments. After measuring the wall and analyzing the structure of the building, I found an easy and logical way to divide the façade in 130 cells. Before starting the painting, we went door to door and asked the residents to run a generative protocol to create what would be painted in each cell. Almost all of the 130 shapes on the wall were generated by the residents of the building.
Production : Lars Ickenroth
Assistant : Dazetwo
Photographer : Sanne Gijsbers
Generative and collective mural painting
Mur XIII, Port de la Gare, Paris 13e, France
July 2020
26 participants
Project curated by the Centre Georges Pompidou for the “L’été Culturel” with the help of Studio 13/16.