New “DMA” M7A – M7B series

3 color Aleatory Mechanical Drawings 16 x 24 cm (6.3 x 9.4 inches)
Archival ink on Canson Montval 300 g. paper (acid free)
Series of monotypes, the generative system creates a unique drawing each time.

New protocols M7A and M7B

Available here:

New “DMA” R/B series

2 color Aleatory Mechanical Drawings 16 x 24 cm (6.3 x 9.4 inches)
Archival ink on Canson Montval 300 g. paper (acid free)
Series of monotypes, the generative system creates a unique drawing each time.

Available here:

“DMA”, Aleatory Mechanical Drawings

3 color Aleatory Mechanical Drawings 16 x 24 cm (6.3 x 9.4 inches). Archival ink on Canson Montval 300 g. paper (acid free). Series of monotypes, the generative system creates a unique drawing each time.

The DMA drawings are composed of three layers traced one on top of the other, each one has a different color. For each layer, the shapes, their position and their rotation are generated randomly. This protocol works on a 2 x 3 grid with 5 shapes, 6 positions, 8 rotations and 2 orientations for the stripes. Following these parameters, the program creates a code that is sent to the machine on which a pen is mounted. Each layer uses a different color, so the pen has to be manually changed for each new one.

On sale here:

Video of the process:

Pictures of the first DMAs:

Modo n.º33

Generative and collective mural
Executed with 15 studients
Faculty of Fine Arts, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain
December 2018

Project curated by Urvanity Tuenti Urban Art Academy.

Modo n.º32

Generative mural painting
Facebook AIR Program
Paris, France
November 2018

Project carried out for the FB Artist in Residence in the Facebook new offices in Paris.

Modo n.º30

Generative mural
Maison des Associations, Clou-Bouchet, Niort, France
October 2018

Project curated by Winterlong Gallery and produced by Ville de Niort.

Modo n.º29

Generative mural
Maison des internes de l’hôpital, rue de Goise, Niort, France
October 2018

Project curated by Winterlong Gallery and produced by Ville de Niort.